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Let’s reinvent talent and career management

Jan Laurijssen, HR evangelist, researcher, and consultant at SD Worx, gave a presentation at Strategy Talk HR 2024 event in Kattilahalli, Helsinki on May 15th, 2024. 

In his speech, Jan discussed the essential points of talent and career management in the future of work.

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    Presentation: Let’s reinvent talent and career management

    Jan Laurijssen, researcher and consultant at SD Worx, gave a presentation at Strategy Talk HR 2024 event in Kattilahalli, Helsinki. In his speech, Jan discussed the essential points of talent and career management in the future of work:

    • Addressing how evolving labor models, influenced by technology and changing standards, pose challenges for organizations, employees, and society
    • Shifting from traditional career policies to dynamic
    • Applying a supply-and-demand perspective to talent management
    • Discussing contemporary, research-backed strategies for future-proof talent and career management in a rapidly changing work environment

    Presentation is in English. View the recording of the 20-minute presentation by filling in the form. You will receive an email with a link to the recording.


    Jan Laurijssen - HR evangelist, consultant and researcher at SD Worx & University of Antwerp

    Jan Laurijssen is an HR evangelist at SD Worx and a senior researcher at the University of Antwerp. He is a respected lecturer and teacher and often consults SD Worx's clients on the "future of work".

    Together with Professor Ans De Vos, Jan leads the "Next Generation Work" study conducted by the Antwerp Management School.